10.26.12 Bravo Zulu

Sometimes help arrives when it’s least expected, and when it’s most deserved.

Take, for example, the situation facing several dozen elderly travelers slowly working their way through Baltimore-Washington airport. The group was comprised of 67 World War II veterans and their spouses who had flown in to tour the nation’s capital. They had walked through the crowded hallways, down to baggage claim. And now – as you might expect for a group this large (and all getting on in years) – the prospect of collecting all their luggage and hauling it outside was daunting.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, up stepped what appeared to be a naval officer in uniform, who offered his assistance. And then up stepped another, and another, a veritable army of porters all in navy dress blues. Turns out the men’s lacrosse team from the Naval Academy had arrived at BWI a few moments earlier, on their way home from a fall scrimmage at Notre Dame. They had been alerted to the veterans’ imminent arrival, and had waited to help them out. When the veterans arrived at baggage claim, the Mids collected all their gear, hauled it out to 3 awaiting tour buses, loaded everything up, and helped the veterans aboard. There were grateful hugs and handshakes all around.

As the buses closed their doors, the players quickly lined the passageway and snapped to attention. And then, as the veterans pulled away, the team honored them with a long, and lasting, salute.

The moment was captured by the team’s Director of Operations. And when he posted the photograph on the team’s Facebook page, the Internet snapped to attention. The photo went viral, generating over 25,000 Likes and a story in USA Today. You can see it and like it for yourself here:


Bravo Zulu, Gentlemen.

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